
The darkness has followed me all my life

I've concealed it behind locked doors

Hoping the rust doesn't spread to the armor

Darkness makes light of the truth

They pass through

Stealing parts of my soul I can't regenerate

Evil is left in the wake of their destruction

It's Evil...

That's what lies beneath the surface

That's what I've locked away behind hidden exhibits

They've branded me

Carved parts of themselves into my roots

Poison, I can't extract

The Evil ends when I do...

Seeking safety in myself heightens my awareness

Leads me to unlock doors

and jump into wells

Leads me to connect with destruction

I connect with the danger

With the unpredictability of it all

It's out of control

This part of me is fearless

It's fueled by rage and grief

It pays no mind to the pain and suffering of itself

Nor of others

It is relentless destruction

It's inept at holding values and morals

I fear all the things I know I'm capable of

Knowing I could pay it forward ten folds

There's no warmth here

I'd leave ruins behind

I’m cursed

Forever damned to worry about the consequences of my touch



