5/11/2023 Happy Trees 2

Trying to explore and put words to my internal experience with trust has been an exceptional challenge

Articulating what trust is for me and how I know when someone has it scary

I have always been able to count on you

You have been a reliable and consistent force in my life for 2 years

I enjoy being around you because of your energy

I feel calm and at peace in your presence

I feel safe in your space and that’s probably the biggest compliment I can give anyone

Safety has always been hard to access

Fear leads me to hesitate showing you more and more of the mess in my mind

I fear judgment but each time I am me, I realize you accept me as I come

You give me space to ache and break without ever looking at me like I’m defective

You hold my deepest secrets

You keep my darkest thoughts and emotions in a vault

Your actions and words have always aligned

This integrity means so much to me

I can trust you to have hard conversations while also not needing to make everything a “thing”

I give you the benefit of the doubt that your intentions are from a place of care, always

Your self-awareness and own accountability put me at ease

I know boundaries will be respected and communicated as needed

I have a great appreciation for our emotional and intellectual connection

I have expressed numerous times how grateful I am for the knowledge you have given me

I’d just like to begin acknowledging all the other ways you have and continue to impact me

Thank you for being a part of my life

I want to keep knowing you until there’s no more life here for me

You’re a very extraordinary human

And thank you for always making me laugh


5/18/2023 King

