
The last four days I've felt uneasy

I replay what I shared over and over in my head

Immediately I yell at myself 

"Why'd you share that?!"

The anxious thoughts flow

"No one needs to know that"

"What, are you going to go around telling every single thing that has happened?"

"It's too much. No one will believe you."

That's my core fear

I manage memories and the noise on my own

The big things-

Bookmarked things, are what I need help with

This, this is constant static

Background noise of my life

"Why would it need to be shared?"

The big things are hard for me

I can barely manage the work for those

These memories play without my permission

Once they finish they rewind themselves and begin again

I've learned to distance myself

This is how I manage

No one needs to know and I don't let it show

"You're a liar."

"There's no way you lived this."

"Of course no one will believe you."

I feel young, vulnerable

Out of control and powerless

It spilled out of me

Like a hose with built up water

I couldn't turn it off fast enough

And I don't know if all of me is content with it only being background noise

(EMDR Session)

I tell her about my preoccupation with information I shared with my other therapist

How I question if this has really been my life

And how I know others will challenge it too

It's not believable 

No one can help me and if it's not believable then what is the point?

I already have targets for EMDR

So I should focus on these

She lets me finish my rant then asks, 

"Are the memories distressing?"

I say, "Not really", as I realize I'm again talking about it with another therapist

I'm paying to talk about my lies

She says, "Would you like to do some processing? Doesn't hurt if it's not real or not distressing?"

I think this is brilliant! 

I'm almost excited

Eager to catch my lie

I'm a liar who wants to be caught

The targets are made

Again I recount events

We focus on number 1

The beginning...

The ball moves back and forth as I summon the images

I hear the fireworks immediately

I smell him soon after

My arms begin to shake

My breathing is fast and shallow

The tears blur out the ball 

I feel stuck

The intensity builds and builds

Then I feel heavy

My body is numb, it's asleep


The thought startles me

She prompts me to follow

But then I feel the thought in my body

The familiar sensation feels real

I want to die, I need to die

I go back to sleep

She prompts me to wake my body and give it a voice

"I'm garbage."

"I'm nothing."

"I'm dirty. Disgusting."

I notice the intense feeling of nausea

I'm going to throw up

My body jerks forward as I try not to throw up on myself

The ball moves back and forth

Heat builds on the right side of my face

I'm preoccupied with the vomit

I try to go back to numb

"I'm here with you. It's ok to be curious."

I think about the vomit

The disgust

The emotion comes in hot, literally


My whole face and neck are hot

Really hot

"What do you notice?"

My brain scans my body, my emotions, my history

"There's anger" I say surprised

"Yes! Yes! Go with it", she says

I feel this deep vibration in the pit of my stomach rising

It's not vomit

I begin shaking and panting

I'm consumed with rage

"It's anger!"

My head feels like it will shoot right off

"Look at me. We're going to tap"

I don't recall how but I'm grounded

I feel the clamminess of my skin

I'm cold in this chilly room now

I look down at the desk

I mumble, "It was real..."



