3/25/2023 Soulmate

In the rush of running

Which I still am very much doing

I’ve missed the truth in this fight

I’ve missed her face

It’s been there for 25 plus years

But it’s a faint blur

I’m hyper-focused!

I’m zoned in!

I’m starving!

I’m blind to the details around me

She’s been here…

It’s quiet…

Not a sound…

My eyes refocus

There’s warmth in this space

The light hits her face, reflects back at me off her eyes

I tell the optometrist- “this one, hold it here… this one’s clear”.

A reel of images and stories flood my mind as they always have

This time I catch her…

Split seconds of stillness in these moments

Her face again, it’s the same-

Warmth reflected back at me

Regardless of my inability to see it, to receive it

I come broken, wounded, dark, and messy

She doesn’t fix it, she doesn’t change it

She doesn’t resist it

She’s still…

The silence is broken

The words burn like alcohol on a wound

“I love you”-she says

I love you too xxxxxx.



