
As I pull the cork out, I awknowledge how much I have compartmentalized in the recent months

I’ve been holding my breath….

Sometimes it works pretty well

I thought I’d pull through

I couldn’t recount all the times i’ve been a shell of a person and have managed to just get shit done

It's not about my abilities

There’s no choice…

I’ve learned to function this way

Not understanding who I was or where home was

I’m tired of being the wounded friend

The wounded relative or coworker

There has to be others like me

No matter how hard I run…

I somehow find myself at the starting line…

The noise is at max volume and I can awknowledge they were coming for me

I tried my best to fight them off

To be clear, my best may not be yours

I’m exhausted with trying to keep this image up

We all have mess

And maybe mine is less socially acceptable or hard to look at, i dont know… but it’s mine

It got me this far… no?

It took some time to digest

I saw it in her face

The look of pity…

I hate that look but I told myself I was wrong in that appraisal

When I opened the sheet of paper, I was disappointed at how accurate my reading was

I guess I just moved

I don’t know if there was a thought or feeling

I text him immediately because I couldnt call him

He was expecting the call…

And I wanted to call but with great news. My pride couldn’t face whatever reaction was waiting on the other end

The hopeful and supportive energy

The encouraging words of second chances

And I don’t mean to invalidate this support

I’ve been in those shoes too

What can you say?

I just mean it’s pebbles being thrown at the demon that lives in me

Does nothing…

No one’s louder than the demon

At first, I think there may be an objective way to see this

Maybe someone who understands this process can launch more of a boulder at what’s spreading…

Quickly I realize i’m alone with the demon

There is no one else

There never was or will be

This is my fight

And one I quiet honestly, couldn’t give two shits about right now

So I walk right in front of the demon

I lay on my back and beg for the ending…

I did the deep breathing

The tapping, rocking, and reframing

It doesn’t work

Not always…

And I suppose this makes me feel more like an imposter when I sit across people trying to enforce these skills

It could work for some but I know all to well-


You’re just fucked…

I get it, but how do you tell a client that?

Sometimes the only way to care for yourself is getting loaded

And yes, I don’t want to encourage this in someone else but in me, it just quiet honestly fucking works

My breathing slows down as I focus on sweet taste, the heat

The tears stop and I can feel the muscles in my face relax

Leaving behind the throbbing

I don’t intend to hurt others

I don’t intend to take you with me

I hear my father crying and I can’t help but feel disappointed in myself

Feeling your son look for the right reaction in this situation… even in this state I couldn’t make myself better for him…

I can’t look at them…

The thought gets louder

So does my desire

I’m exhausted



