I laid in a room full of beds, naked
I’m waiting for someone.
These friends come in, 4
Nothing is out of the ordinary
One of them gets in bed with me and as I speak, she touches my knee.
I pull away.
When I’m about to get up. I roll over over
She grabs my waist to kiss my back.
I pull away and pull her hands off
I ask what she’s doing
She laughs.
I get up and one of the girls doesn’t even look at me.
Says she didn’t hear me complaining.
The other agrees.
I’m bad. I liked it and wanted it.
I leave to another room. I begin to cry.
I hate myself so much
I’m here because my love for him matters. It will always matter more than any fear or pain of mine.
I’ve stayed to keep careful watch over him while he sleeps.
What he means to me is often misunderstood. People only see all I have done for him. What they fail to see is all that he has done for me. He may never understand it either. I’ve spent years living a life I hated but couldn’t escape. I was drowning and no one ever came. All it took was seeing his small beautiful face. It gave me enough strength to keep swimming. My beautiful angel.