I was somewhere with family.
I’m holding a small baby. Maybe 6 months. She’s dark and has a lot of dark curly hair.
My family takes turns holding her.
I feel protective, anxious, and I watch her.
She comes back to me.
Is she mine? Who is she?
I play with her. She’s very happy and adorable.
Then he comes
He takes her from me.
I wake wondering if the girl is mine, or is she me?
He was talking about his mom. Seems like a good mom. As he is talking about her, I think of mine. I feel my eyes tear up but I don’t cry. He’s lucky. I feel it. The part of me that’s still waiting for mommy to show up. The hurt is still very much apart of me, but at the same time disconnected.
I want the pain to stop.
It was about him. I was in my room but the set up was different. I had my bed that way years ago. He was on top of me. I disappeared in my head. Out of my body and I was overcome with shame for giving up. Giving up on the life I wanted. I feel nothing but I’m crying. He’s yelling at me. I awake.
My skin is flaring up.
It was an attempt to distract myself. My nightmares have been so bad. I get maybe 3 hours of broken sleep a night. I’m a mess. I hate myself. The crying never seems to stop. I make a mess of it all the time because I hate the messy parts of myself. I’m tired of this feeling. I rather not feel. There’s something in my chest. I can’t breathe. I can’t calm it.
He’s here
I went to sleep to relax
I heard him
He was in the house
I pretended to keep sleeping like I always did
He came into my room and I felt I’d explode
My otherwise sweet dog was growling
He approached me to try and wake me but my dog stood in front of me
He tried to pick him up and he tried to bite
He chased him out the room
He knows me. It’s like he knew exactly why he couldn’t be near me
My chest is tight. I’m so nauseous. Angry…