Ambar G Ambar G



I get up to pee

Someone drills off the lock and comes through the front door to rob home

Gun pointed at me

Then I’m ignored and he changes

xxxx’x room

I fight for the gun

A shot is fired…I wake up

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Ambar G Ambar G


It would hurt him if he knew

He killed her

It would scare him if he knew

She feels so much hatred

She wishes him pain

Pain like she has caried

He deserves to carry it

Like all the rest

It’s not for me, but for them to feel the burns

Of the fires they start

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Ambar G Ambar G

February 2020

It’s ridiculous that he thinks

The building still stands

Idiotic to think, the building you blew up

Could every possibly stand again

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Ambar G Ambar G


The weight of the undeniable truth ripped me down the middle

This was my faith

I was forced to question my faith once again

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Ambar G Ambar G


It’s incredibly heavy to have a mind and soul like this

It’s like life in quicksand

It’s always a struggle to stay up for air

I’ve always bound to go under

The constant fear of wondering…

When I’ll go under again and for how long

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Ambar G Ambar G

September 2019

I’m constantly torn between wanting to to heal

and wanting to destroy myself

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Ambar G Ambar G


The movie hits your chest like a train

Taking your soul with it

Leaving the remains of who you use to be

Just a shell of a human

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Ambar G Ambar G



Every day I think about it

I wake up in the same hell

I look at my wrists

Confirming it wasn’t a dream

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Ambar G Ambar G

June 2019

The house is haunted

Haunted by all the men

Who broke in…

Their spirits live here now

They chased away the warmth

The damage is irreversible

Wish they would have burned the house

I can feel him

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Ambar G Ambar G


There is nothing poetic about healing

You loose time

It isn’t linear

The mess is overwhelming

We like to divide our days into good and bad

Was today good or was it bad?

Was it productive or not?

Is it fixed? Probably not

But what about the days of variation in the middle…

Neither here nor there

Some days serve as merely a means to the next day

In those days there is no victory but there is also no loss

It is a bridge meant to get you through one more day

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Ambar G Ambar G


The story won’t die

It’s alive in me

It’s taking breaths

It’s coming

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Ambar G Ambar G

March 2019

“So, what’s next?” They’ll ask

“I heal, I grow, and I help others”

It’s hard to write down all my truths

I won’t read them again, but I don’t want anyone else to either

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Ambar G Ambar G

March 2019

Your hands sometimes scare me

Remember to always be gentle

The moment you aren’t or I believe you won’t be

Will be the end of it

I don’t often want to be touched

In my mind there will always be unwanted hands exploring

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Ambar G Ambar G

March 2019

The demon calls out for me

It’s hungry

How do I silence it

Without drowning it?

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Ambar G Ambar G


I have spent my life slowly injecting poison into my blood stream. Now, I’m in this hospital bed overdosing from it all. It’s going to take time to flush it out.

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Ambar G Ambar G


Second surgery

Trapped. Pain.

Sometimes it feels like I’m not really here.

I don’t know where I am, but it isn’t here.

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