12/7/2023 Our Stories
Because of my past- my stories
I have this constant drive to prove to others… and myself
That I can overcome
It’s this reflex to prove that I am made of steel
I’ve spent a lot of time running away from these stories
And locking away the ones I can’t seem to outrun…
As I become more integrated, I struggle accepting reality
Fearing I won’t be believed
Fearing I will be believed
As I shift the weight of them…
It becomes more apparent that these stories do in fact make me harder to relate to
A feeling, I can’t outrun
I seek escape in art, in thought
Striving to find the humor or the light of darkness
I’m called to it
I suppose there’s a part of me that knows there is comfort and safety in his words
The mirror I find in the timeline leads me to seek another escape…
For a split second I become aware of how quickly he can find me