I already died. Why is everyone so selfish? They tell me to be strong and to stay alive. I’m suffering every day, every hour, and every minute. Please let me die. I’m ready. I’m ok with it.
Please make the pain stop…
I keep picturing this disgusting body being cold. Cold and limp…
Sometimes I think it will never go away. I want it to go away. I just want it to leave my memory. How do I get better after this?
My life seems to be going in slow motion. I’m struggling to make it through the days. The drinking has increased.
Every day gets harder. I feel ready to give up.
I’m so done with this life. I don’t think I can keep this up. I’m falling apart. The whole world is caving in and I’m alone.
The pain would stop. The anxiety, the nightmares. All gone.
There’s nothing left. They took it all from me. There’s nothing left. They killed her.
I’m disgusting.
Time is moving slow
How could this have happened?
I’m having arguments in my head about how I should feel
I can’t do this again
I want him to feel it. I want him to live in it like I have all these years.
I’m tired. I’m tired.
This fucking God that everyone talks about never came for me. He didn’t care whether I screamed for him. He watched it happen.
Why does this feel so good?
The anxiety is silenced. The thoughts are quiet. Muddled.
I think I’m too broken to be anything anymore.
Who the fuck would love this?