Ambar G Ambar G


My ears are underwater

The world moves around me

I try to hold my gaze on a blur

My lips tingle… numb

My teeth fold into each other

My mouth? Dry

My throat? Silenced

Move, I think

Focus, I try

But I can’t

So, the world moves around me

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Ambar G Ambar G


I know you needed love

I know you needed safety

I know you need these things and more

I hear you

And when I don’t, I feel you

I know but I’ve been scared

I’m sorry

I’m trying

I’m trying to be who you needed

I want to love you

It’s scary for me too

You’ve been on fire

And I’ve been too scared to walk back in for you

Your screams burst my eardrums

I know you’re here

I’m learning for you

I’m coming for you…

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Ambar G Ambar G


My footsteps echo down the long hallways

The ceilings are high

And the air is crisp

The hairs on the back of my neck-at attention

I have no shoes on

The space comes into me from below

My vision is narrow but I feel it all

The vibrations of these spaces move through me

The stories are smeared all over the walls

Shades of black layered and moved

There’s a door

It’s so dark. I can barely make it out

It doesn’t get any clearer

Regardless of how much space I close

There’s heat here

It’s hell.

The bolts and locks on this door are bright red

I reach out


Her screams get louder

So loud I can’t think

I can’t breathe

I can’t move

I can’t be

I can’t!

I reach out and pull the locks and bolts off

They sink into my hands

What have I done?

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Ambar G Ambar G

3/25/2023 Soulmate

In the rush of running

Which I still am very much doing

I’ve missed the truth in this fight

I’ve missed her face

It’s been there for 25 plus years

But it’s a faint blur

I’m hyper-focused!

I’m zoned in!

I’m starving!

I’m blind to the details around me

She’s been here…

It’s quiet…

Not a sound…

My eyes refocus

There’s warmth in this space

The light hits her face, reflects back at me off her eyes

I tell the optometrist- “this one, hold it here… this one’s clear”.

A reel of images and stories flood my mind as they always have

This time I catch her…

Split seconds of stillness in these moments

Her face again, it’s the same-

Warmth reflected back at me

Regardless of my inability to see it, to receive it

I come broken, wounded, dark, and messy

She doesn’t fix it, she doesn’t change it

She doesn’t resist it

She’s still…

The silence is broken

The words burn like alcohol on a wound

“I love you”-she says

I love you too xxxxxx.

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Ambar G Ambar G


Pandora’s box

It’s not a gift to me

But it is luring

The juxtaposition of this box terrifying me yet luring me…

It’s odd

What’s in this damn box?

I don’t know

My body knows

The corners of my mind know

But, really,… my soul knows

And man is it tired

Not the tired that sleep can relieve

This eternal tired

It’s been around for eons

It has known great suffering

Could it maybe know,…

Great healing?

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Ambar G Ambar G


Love is supposed to be hard

When is too hard?

How do I know when to let go?

I miss him

I try not to let it show

I don’t know what was real

He didn’t know how to love me

But it doesn’t mean he didn’t try

I wanted it to be him

I believed it was him

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Ambar G Ambar G


The feeling has always been, “not enough”

Never enough

But I’m beginning to wonder if it’s been, “too much”

Maybe the things I seek and represent are too much for the rooms I’m standing in

Not for any other reason than they are just the wrong rooms for me

I mull over the things I must filter

The ways I must make myself small and take up the least amount of space

Don’t be too loud

Don’t laugh

Don’t show what I might know…

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Ambar G Ambar G


I made the choice

This is the difference between you and I

I didn’t find myself here

I didn’t fall

No sweeping off my feet.

I grabbed your hand and walking right into love, into you

You sold me a dream

I knew better but just maybe, this dream could be real

She was denied the opportunity to believe in dreams

To believe in fairy tales

Life was consumed in nightmares

You may not understand these nightmares

But I know you saw the pain

Maybe you were too busy selling me a dream

And in the end, only giving me a nightmare.

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Ambar G Ambar G


I’m the daughter of witches they couldn’t burn

I forget this

I’m full of eternal life

I know I’ve been here before

Many times

I know it

I know I have chosen this to be my lesson

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Ambar G Ambar G

3/6/2023 Art Gallery

You found the cobblestone structure fascinating

Or perhaps intimidating

Regardless, interesting…

It’s different from the other buildings

This one has been here long

It’s an art museum

You wander the halls and floors

Maybe get drawn to one exhibit

You gaze at the strokes and layers expressed in pieces

You remain distracted with the movement of traffic

Never fulling investing into the stories painted on these walls

Its inconsequential

Disengaging is easy

There was nothing of interest on display

Maybe one day someone will walk through and see

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Ambar G Ambar G


I’m irritable.

Annoyed and maybe angry.

I don’t allow the praise and I certainly don’t like the acknowledgment

Such a silly thing to praise-

Someone loving someone who hurts them

Guess I’ve done that all my life

It hurt to beg someone to stop hurting me

But there is one that hurts the most

The hurt that came from a woman I could never stop loving

What a tormenting thing to feel

Feel love for someone who could never give it back

When I say I love you

I promise I mean it

Cause even when I don’t want to, I do

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Ambar G Ambar G


The authentic and fearless love I give away…

I deny Her access.

I withhold. I neglect. I abandon Her.

I don’t know where I found it- Love.

It should be gone. Empty. Justifiably so.

But I can access it. I can feel it and give it to others.

I wonder how much more pain I have caused Her as She watches me give it away to people who don’t know it’s worth…

To people who can’t understand how extraordinary its existence is

I give this gift away.

She watches me run from Her into the arms of people who can’t see me, can’t see Her.

I seek to be seen.

I desire it more than anything but I hide the parts that need to be seen.

There’s nothing poetic about it.

There is no way to twist the ugly and messy into beauty.

It just is, heavy, dark, messy parts of me.

I don’t need you to see the beauty in this.

Know that this darkness in my mind and soul is a void of something once stolen long ago.

What was stolen and what is left is irrelevant.

Maybe, just maybe, the ember is worth the heaviness of Her pain.

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Ambar G Ambar G


I feel like an idiot.

Time after time I gave you my love.

I believed you were good at your core.

I believed in the love you said you had for me.

You weren't man enough for what I had to offer.

You couldn't step up but were too selfish to walk away...

I spent months trying to understand why my panic attacks came back with such intensity. I felt like my body and mind were against me. My mind and body were warning me that I wasn't safe with you. I never was and maybe I felt I deserved that... I feel grateful for the wisdom my mind and body have given me. I know who was speaking to me now.

She was calling out from the parts I abandoned long ago. Hidden away in the darkness because there were others before you who came for control...Never to love.

I am ready to come home to Her.

You broke my heart. Betrayed my trust.

But believe me, I will rise again.

I have come back from much worse...Each time never understanding how I ever got backup.

But it is Her, it is me. We are the life-force no lost or ill soul can break.

You come to collect from my power and wisdom. It's luring to all but out of reach to the small.

I finally understand. This is for Her.

You cannot touch Her. You cannot scare Her.

You cannot break Her.

She has me now. She got me this far but I'm taking it the rest of the way...

I'm only sorry it has taken me this long to see the strength in Her cries... The wisdom in Her pain... The love in the ember She keeps...

She can rest now. I promise I got Her...

And in the end, maybe I'm not the idiot. Maybe I'm courageous. Despite the hand I was giving in this lifetime I have never held back in love. I love authentically and fearlessly. Not you or anyone else will ever take that away from me.

This, this is what you lost.

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Ambar G Ambar G


I don’t want to speak.

Can’t think, can’t speak.

We have to try… I’m trying.

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Ambar G Ambar G


2:15pm: Hi. Idk what kind of arrangement you have with xxxxxx but he's like the man slut at work. He's worse than his friend xxxxxx because he actually gets the girls. He doesn't tell these girls he has a gf until they hook up. He still been hooking up with them. Completely disrespectful and cringey.

And if you don't believe me, you can text this chick Sarah among others. She was a victim xxx-xxx-xxxx

I’m under water. I can’t hear Dr. xxxx anymore. Everything seems so far.

This can’t be right. This doesn’t add up. It doesn’t, right?

How did they know of me? How did they get my number?

I’m not on social media…. xxxxxxxx has come to find me?

I’ve known him for 6 years.

He loves me…

I know that, right? That’s real?

He’s known me 6 years!

He wouldn’t… he couldn’t…

What brings someone to do this?

People are hateful, I know this… right?

The warm sensation fills my chest... I’m humiliated.

I want to stuff it. Not now. I can’t.

I stuff it…. And return to work.

I need to think not feel right now.

Dr. xxxx keeps my phone. I don’t want it…

8:11pm: I just got called for PO. I took it purely off long run financial benefits.

His name on my phone seems strange

Like he’s a stranger

Do I know him?


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Ambar G Ambar G


You think you’ve seen me naked because I took my close off

Because you’ve touched my body and seen my skin

I want someone who knows what makes me cry, what makes me smile, and laugh.

I want someone to see me. To see where I’ve been through my eyes -bare witness

Someone who can hear the stories hidden between the lines

Hear all the things I can’t speak to

Who can just, be there.

Does this exist?

I’m unsure of what I’m looking for…

Taking my clothes off isn’t seeing me… Many have done this before but I’m not present.

I’m not there so I’m not seen.

This is just flesh and bones… meat.

I’m more than that, aren’t I?

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Ambar G Ambar G


Primary Emo: Humiliated

Secondary: Anger

Weight sensation in my chest. In my ribs….Warm, numb.

If I stop to lick my wounds the dragon will catch up. It will come for me.

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Ambar G Ambar G


Trigger- movie w/ rape scene

Response- crying/sad

Soothed when he rubbed my back. I’m falling asleep.

He wanted to kiss me and put his hand down my pants. I have a high drive though, normally. Our sex is always enjoyable and passionate. My mind is foggy but maybe it’d feel good. Maybe it’ll bring me back.

He stopped-I don’t know why….But he held me then I cried. I don’t know why. I felt sad and gross. Their hands remain marked all over this body.

Anxiety increased before bed. Breathing became shallow. My skin ached with the feel of the air around it. He held me in his lap. He’s trying and it’s nice.

He gets on top of me and spreads my legs. I don’t like it. He wants to love me. Love the pain away.

He kisses me and I move. He grabs my face to kiss some more. My lips are numb- no.

I say, “I don’t want to”.

He’s upset.

He gets off me and sits at the end of the bed.

Repeatedly asked if I want him to leave.

He's yelling

I want to be held….

I hate my mind.

It upsets me and him.

I beg, “please stop” but he won’t. He can’t see me right now. I’m alone.

I want to be held…

I’m alone again… I’m 7… Laying on the mat outside her door. Crying for her. Please come keep me safe from these monsters but she never comes. She never comes.

We try… I rock back and forth, “we can do this”.

I see their faces, I can taste their saliva, I can smell their skin, I can feel their hands. I can feel the pressure in my stomach… between my legs. No, no. I bang my head on the floor and with my hands. Please stop. Please. Please help me.

It’s too real. I hate this mind. I hate it. I hate me.

It consumes me.

My energy is drained. Another night outside her door on this mat…..

He apologizes. He kisses my forehead and holds me. How I love being held.

He admits he took it personally.

I know he loves me. I know it’s a lot. I’m a lot. If I could run away from my mind I would too. He can’t see me when darkness comes… He loses me.

How I long to be held… to be seen….

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Ambar G Ambar G


Confusion, defined as:

1. lack of understanding; uncertainty.

2. the state of being bewildered or unclear in one's mind about something.

I’ve always been unclear about my own mind. What is real or fantasy? What is valid or embellished? I’ve desired clarity, understanding, and truth. Longed for it deeply but I only know how to function in spaces of bewilderment. It’s tormenting, but home.

I’ve sought out these needs and connections all my life but I’m not even sure I know what it’ll look like when they arrive.

I’ve always said I wasn’t scared of the monsters in the closet or under the bed but rather the monsters that roam in this world. I hadn’t realized until now that these monsters found a way into my mind. I am terrified of my own mind and it plagues every experience of my life.

The dragon always lied outside the safety of my cave. I knew of its power because once upon a time, it came for mine. I’ve since spent every ounce of energy into hiding, moving, running. If I stop, the dragon finds me and finishes what little I have left. I’m done- lost the fight.

The dragon robbed me of safety and trust. Not just in others or the world but in myself. I’m uncertain of what to trust in the chaos of my mind. What is safe to connect to? What choices are mine?

This cave is cold, it’s dark, and messy. I’ve been able to keep moving and building with the small fire I was able to salvage. I’m driven by things that almost work, it’s just enough to see.

I’m not alone in this cave… there is a monster in here. How could I have missed this one?

The fight has begun.

The dragon is here. He’s come for me.

Is it possible this ember is stronger than I believed it to be? That I’ve misused it?

All I have is this small fire. This spark.

I think, “there’s no fight here”. I’m small, powerless, and uncertain. I’m hollow, a void.

This dragon is massive, loud, and powerful.

I think, “Let him take what’s left”. If I try to fight, the pain of losing again is intolerable.

Please don’t take my ember away…

What would it mean to not be confused?

To be certain? To be powerful?

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Ambar G Ambar G


He is trying to find me again

He didn’t have enough

I dig my nails until I break skin

I want it off

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