Ambar G Ambar G


I move through my days

My life, with weight of echoes on my back

I carry them from place to place

She stays with me, comes with me wherever I go

I add the weight of the days to the sack

The heels of my feet sink into the earth below me

I’m trying to find the balance and stamina

I struggle to find things to lean on

I seek anything that can help me take, “just one more step”

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Ambar G Ambar G



I’m behind the scenes at the Dodger stadium

I go into the interview room with ****

We both are being recorded

My mom comes with someone else

Someone from her job

Suddenly, **** is gone

It’s time to leave

I feel sleepy on the ride home

My mom and the female sit in the back seats

I fall asleep in the passenger seat

I fall towards him and wake up as he tries to slide his hands down my pants

We struggle and he pulls over

He won’t stop

And I ask him to

He says he has to

I explain that I don’t see him that way

Somehow we are outside my parent’s home

I run out of the car and feel him chase me

I see a daughter, son, and dad

I scream for help and tell them he is trying to rape me

The dad immediately takes it as a joke

The daughter walks away laughing to the car

The son is talking to the guy now, they’re friendly

The dad says I’m probably overreading the situation and thats not what he means

I keep saying, “I know…”

They all start to leave

I know the chase will commence

I wake up

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Ambar G Ambar G


I find her gaze in all the noise…

The girl with the big blue eyes

Just like that, she pulls me out

Her voice soothes the aches

I feel her love in each phoneme

In every morpheme

The worry penetrates the tornado consuming me

She’s speaking to Her

She tells her all that hurts and where it hurts

I remain at a distance

Protecting myself from going under

I watch her nurture away the storm

And I think, “She’s going to be an amazing mother”

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Ambar G Ambar G


The air around me becomes a pulsing echo

Images of the details in this space don't translate

My lips are numb

She's here...

The noise She brings rips into me

I collapse into Her

The weight of my body is too heavy

I'm exhausted

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Ambar G Ambar G


My mind spins like a vinyl

Looping over the same songs

The grooves of historical wounds keep it jammed

I snatch it off the record player

Play the next…

Scratches play at max volume

Every single box reminds me of the carelessness

Of others…

And of myself…

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Ambar G Ambar G


(EMDR Session)

They say eyes are the window to the soul

I haven’t quite found myself yet…

The distance began yesterday

I have vague pieces, glimpses of memory

It’s black, blocked out

She asked me to be curious

I can’t single out a thought or feeling

They all came flooding in

My mouth became numb

My lips were gone, they still are

The state of nothing took over

Everything was slow and fast, all at once

I find myself in this daydream but have no control

Life feels like the dream

I walk over to the mirror

There is something about my eyes that scares me

I don’t feel scared but I think somewhere in me, it’s there

I don’t know who this women is

Why is she in my bathroom?

I wondered, “Is this what I look like?”

I surrendered to the curiosity

Her eyes stand out to me

There is something empty about them

Something heavy

I don’t know how eyes could look heavy

But hers did

They seemed worn, tired


This women is hiding something behind her eyes

I introduce myself, “hi”

The acoustics don’t match what I understand to be the limits of this space

I suppose I’m not the one speaking

The details of her eyes are extremely clear or blurry

There is no middle as the focus moves in and out

The rest of her seems like a movie prop

No depth, dimension

It’s flat, no life…

Her eyes are different and I keep watching

Maybe there is something she needs to say

Why I’ve spent so much time running from mirrors all my life seems so much clearer…

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Ambar G Ambar G


Sometimes the buzzing of the fluorescent lights becomes a migraine

The blood vessels in my eyes pulsate

My jaw aches and lacks mobility

My hands tremble over my erratic heart beat

Closing my eyes makes the room spin

Opening them feels like forcing a strained muscle

I’m overwhelmed, sure

Feeling all my feelings so deeply is incredibly heavy when you’re this sad

When you can feel other people, even when they’re not around it’s… torture

Is this the cost of loving another?

Or, is it the cost of being loved?

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Ambar G Ambar G


The emotions depicted on the screen ignited a memory

Memories I should say, emotions

Her emotions became mine

My heart rate increased as they connected with experiences of my own

I’ve had this fight many times

With many lovers

The most painful were those with the man I loved

With him, I stayed in the argument far longer than I should’ve

I suppose I was hoping he’d find his way to me

Arguments always began with a grievance of something I was doing or not doing

Sometimes focused around work and aspirations

Others around my personal outlets and connections

There was something I was missing

Something I wasn’t doing enough of

I was being greedy

Taking far too much time for myself and my endeavors

No compromise was ever enough

It was never explicitly said

But when every compromise is shut down,

The only option left is my sacrifice

The sacrifice of the things I’ve fought to keep for myself

All of it

The air smelled of contempt

The look on their faces like my mother’s

Expressing their distain of all that I’ve taken from them

I’m not like the woman on the screen

She’s clear and expressive of what I was afraid to say out loud

Of what, if I did try, only immediately took back

He complained of my ever changing schedule

Ever changing plans, transitions, and new goals

As if we shared the same bank of time

Like he didn’t have his own to deplete from

What I did with mine somehow left me forever indebted to him

I was taking his time

There are 24 hours in a day for each and every one of us

What we choose to do with this time is ultimately our choice

Sometimes we are pressured to do with it as others believe

But truly, it is our choice

He had 24 hours like I did

They all had 24 hours

He expressed disgust for his career

I never forced him to stay

But he said he stayed to see me, to finance me

He sacrificed time from his bank to see me

Spent his checks on me

I grew resentful of all of it

I never asked for this

Gifts have never been my love language

I encouraged his dreams as he expressed them

But then I was too pushy

I admit I grew tired of the narrative

His requests for pity became a nuisance

I wanted it to stop

Go, stay, I don’t care! But pick one and leave me out of it

He blamed me for his choices as a father

He always carried shame and guilt about the end of his marriage

At first, she was to blame

But quickly, I became evil too

I was the reason for his choosing of an incompatible partner

Of his family pressure to marry and stay married

Of his choice to advocate for his happiness

I ruined his life

He did it for me

I forced him

He eventually protected his son from the evil

Us three in a room confronted his guilt

He was the projector and I the screen

“I do it for you”.

He was selfless, sacrificing

Caring only of my happiness

As he simultaneously tore it apart

I didn’t want the transaction

I denied the projection

But somehow I found myself owing this man time from my bank

Over and over he brought it up

Always stating with, “I’m not trying to throw it in your face”

“I’m not keeping tabs”

He did in fact take inventory

What he valued and perceived were subjective

The price of an item assumed, never discussed

I hated the fighting

I hated how I felt

I’m not innocent, I harm others just like anyone does

I’m messy and complicated

As much as I try to be honest and transparent

I find myself in these arguments doubting my honesty

“Could I be wrong?”

I’d reach for affection and express love

His self-pity was too loud to hear me

He’d shut down and I felt rejected

He grew unattractive

I saw he had no accountability, no desire for honesty

No mercy for me as a partner

He’d complain about the little time he had with his son

I’d offer up my time

This compromise wasn’t the answer

It made me cold and uncaring

I needed to understand that he would always be sad about his lack of time

His time was split between him and his son’s mother

And that nothing could be done about his pain

I couldn’t possibly understand because I had so much more time

I couldn’t understand how his helplessness was my doing

I had 24 hours, no more, no less

He denied wanting to try with her again

I begged him to

I sought out couples counseling for them

His happiness and my freedom were my greatest desire

He made it impossible to attain them

Maybe then he could let this unresolved fantasy go

And I could stop being the villain

His son grew attached to me

Maybe he didn’t like this as much as he thought he would

Maybe reality wasn’t as good as the fantasy

Could we please stop having conversations about past choices and wasted time?

We were wasting time having these conversations

I knew it, and I wanted him to know it

We were missing new opportunities and spending hours of our banks for what?

He needed to be a victim and I needed to be the forever remorseful offender?

Was I just meant to serve a sentence for s crime I didn’t commit?

Or was my crime the fact I never married or had children?…

He went back to school and failed the program

It was my fault for pushing for change

He stayed at the department hating the culture

It was my fault for no longer brainstorming options about leaving

He demanded justice

Wanted what he was owed

But I didn’t own what he had lost

It was never about me, it was never with me

He was scared, doubtful of himself

I always knew he was smart and creative

I wasn’t in need of convincing

He expressed having no choice

Being trapped in this dynamic for life

And I was the only good in it

He created this hole

He kept digging as he yelled up at me for choosing not to jump in with him

And maybe, as a partner I should of

But I’ve dug myself out of my fair share of holes to ever voluntarily jump into another not of my own making

He attacked my morals

That I was cold, selfish, heartless

He objected my perspectives

I never compromised and he resented it

But I did compromise, I just didn’t sacrifice…

He had grievances about my personality

Conflicting ones

He loved me for my honesty, but grew annoyed of my desire for transparency

He loved that I cared for others so deeply, yet felt jealous as if my love was a commodity

This scarcity mindset broke us

He picked me because he wanted it

But now couldn’t own it was what he picked

I refused to pity him

To see him as a victim of his own choices

“I refused to rot inside!”

I have been a visitor of all these places

I fought to get out of them

Why was I so evil for refusing to go back?

Life will inevitable take my back, why volunteer?

Was it so wrong to refuse enabling this victim mentality?

Perhaps I was cold

I loved him, truly

He complained about a life that he chose

He expressed generosity and portraited an image of selflessness

But he did these things to claim his innocence

So were they merely generous gestures?

I didn’t need a martyr

I didn’t need him to sacrifice himself

He watched from the sidelines

His expectations and perfectionism held him back

He was scared of his own potential and quit before ever having to risk failing at something

Why was I to blame?

I couldn’t understand the overwhelming feeling then

Sometimes, these discussion would lead to panic attacks

I’d attack myself, destroy myself

Only then would he show mercy

The more he did this, the less I loved him

The less I trusted him

I accept it was my choice to stay

It was familiar to be someone’s punching bag

To be to blame for someone’s unhappiness

Forever cursed to be the villain for simply existing

In this moment, I’m highly aware that I do not owe him anything

I hurt him

I hurt myself

I’m no longer willing to be the screen someone projects on

Least I choose not to engage in this dynamic

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Ambar G Ambar G


The tension roams deep within my chest

My hands are the only sign of what’s occurring beneath the surface

I plea for forgiveness

I suppose, from myself…

I think it’s fear but I’m unsure of what

Am I afraid to love what I soon may lose?

Am I still healing from this bruise?

My mind and body feel heavy

But they run restless this early morning

I’m desperate to find the cause

Then maybe, these demons will set me free

I’m afraid of the magic being gone

I think…

It may be harder to reach me now

I’m struggling to understand why

I might be afraid of never loving with fear again

The cost is high

But I suppose the ride is worth the risk

Something within me no longer moves

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Ambar G Ambar G


I wish for someone to see me…

Carefully watch as my imagination gets the best of me

My mind is creative, you could say

Developing elaborate potentials of harm I struggle to keep away

It cultivates foreseeable threats

I refuse to add to my list of regrets

Sometimes it’s laced with the echoes of the past

All versions of Her, left aghast

Have patience as I find my way back

My world has been colored in black

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Ambar G Ambar G


(EMDR Session)

“Let it go"

She says it over and over

I feel the tension of resistance

I’m holding my breath

I want to let it go

I’m telling myself to let it go, but I can’t…

There’s a part of me denying me access

Withholding permission

“I’m tired”, I tell her.

The fear moved down my spine

I notice the headache and pressure behind my left eye

The heat of violence builds between my legs…

A cramp attacks my left foot

The physical pain echoes pieces of a memory

I can’t

She helps me back as I rock and tap

I swear I’m trying, so hard

I’m doing my best

Please, please make it stop

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Ambar G Ambar G

When I can’t find the words.

“The type of girl you marry

I guess she’d be funny and smart

Just a tad bit competitive

As you both play mario kart

Smells like summer flowers

Maybe born in july or june

Always a little late

But you wish to see her soon

Good at taking notes

Her standards are pretty high

And she’s been through a lot

So her eyes have never been left dry

Wavy brown hair curled

Her laugh is kind of funny

Always too busy working for her own money

The type of girl you marry

First people don’t see her potential

Guys play with her heart

And find it too influential

She is a healer of sorts

Every heart but her own

And the type of girl you marry

Thought she’d end up alone

So she made the best of it

Happiness was self made

And the type of girl you marry

Will make you feel afraid

You don’t want to mess things up

You’ll feel that she can do better

And if you don't put in the work

You won’t end up together

The type of girl you marry

Is exceptionally kind

Way too understanding

And has a beautiful mind

You don’t meet her more than once

She will ultimately change your life

And the type of girl you marry

You better ask to be your wife”

“For you I would start running

Tie up my laces and just go

I would run and run and run

Until the best version of me

Is the only version of me you’ll ever get to know

I say you, on purpose

Because for me

That won’t ever be true

I’ve lived through every version

But not all will live with you

Not all will be obvious

Some I’ve hidden away

Some I taught to be quiet

Because I didn’t quiet like what they had to say

So some only write

Some still hate to read

Some look at me like I hold back

Some answer that they need

Maybe I do

But not out of hate

It’s because I don’t want to see them settle

Because they’re afraid of being too late

Afraid of love leaving

Love may decide to leave

Afraid of love staying

Love will become whatever you believe

Some versions of me are hidden

Stuffed away in an old drawer

I couldn’t bring myself to get rid of them

When I wasn’t like them anymore

For you I would open the drawer

No matter how painful it may be

Because I want you to love and admire every version

That has ever existed of me

For you I would love them harder

I would keep them safe

And unharmed

I would open the drawer slowly

So as to not cause them to be alarmed

I would speak to them softly

I would allow them to finally speak

I would unlearn every opinion that made me think that they were weak

Because for you I would stop running

I would learn to love the worst that I’ve been

For you I would step back

And let some lesser version of me get to win

The unlovable

The annoying

The too much way too soon

The met people in the morning

And of course scared them away by the afternoon

The stupid, the imposter

The doesn’t deserve to be

That wishes her heart away

For some future version

That’s me

The dramatic

The confusing

The always thinks she’s second best

The one who shakes from her anxiety

Who works until she’s forced to rest

For you I would start walking

Every version of me in hand

Then I would have to sit down

Because some versions I still can’t stand”

“In the past I was afraid of my potential

I know that’s a weird thing to say

But when things start to go well

I wanted to push them all away

I wrote, but I wasn’t a writer

I excelled in school, but I wasn’t smart

How could I have it so together

If I made everything fall apart?

Deep breath so I keep going

Future me what did you change?

And how did you become yourself?

If I’ve only ever felt strange

Well, how could I even answer?

I keep trying to be like you

Healing our inner child

Returning to the version that’s most true

Funny how things work out

We run, only to return

And some life lessons

I need to force you to learn

But not because I hate you

It’s because I adore you so much

And learning your brain is more intimate

Than someone’s touch

I return to those moments

That you felt so alone

Because I was there too

With experiences of my own

In the past I was afraid

Of who I would become

Because I only felt stuck

Like a shoe caught in gum

And now I run through field of opportunities

That you couldn’t imagine then

And if I could chose to be any one

I would chose being you again”

“I like being single

But if I chose not to be

Well lets just imagine

What it would be like to be loved by me

There would be books written about your laugh

Immortalized from the start

If you show me the worst parts of you

I’ll show you that they’re art

Blankets fresh out of the dryer

Wrapped around you in the cold

It’s a little bit intense

At least that’s what I’ve been told

Homemade birthday cake

I remember what you said

And a list in my phone

Will catch the thoughts, your favorites

That might have accidently fled

Books hand drawn

All of our memories put in one

It’s a lot of effort I guess

But it could be worth it

For someone’s son

Valentines day surprises

Take some stress off of your plate

For you I would be on time

Because love is never late

I would sing you to sleep

I would kiss you awake

I would treat you like the Christmas gift

That the New Year could never take

God, I would cook for you

I would help you clean

I would make your life easier

Until you wonder if it’s a dream

I would create beauty

I would help you succeed

I would be the kind of lover

That only exists in the romances people read

I would be there for you without you having to ask

I would be so intentional with each and every task

I would be your partner

I would be your best friend

I would be the favorite song that you keep repeating

So it doesn’t end

Maybe that’s why I like being single

I do all of that for me

And I don’t know if someone could do better…”

“I forgive you

But it’s over

I won’t put myself in that position again

You tried your best, maybe

But you didn’t apologize to me back then

Have you ever apologized?

I’m sorry I can’t recall

Because I went back to therapy

And you didn’t try to heal at all

I tired to be there

I tried to be your friend

That’s what you said that you wanted

But what you wanted was for us to end

But you didn’t say that

So I stuck around

And I’ve never been to the circus

But you made me a damn clown

Always available

No hard feelings, right?

You treat me like shit

Because you know I won’t fight

Not for you maybe

Not anymore

Because sitting in your waiting room sounds like a bore

Feels like a chore

A painful weight I don’t want to carry

You don’t want to date me

But I’m the girl that you do want to marry?

I’m sorry I’m confused

How does that make any sense

You want to cash in for dollars

But never work for thoughtful cents

You didn’t want me

This is what you chose

And I protected you

And now everybody in my life knows

You made fun of me for believing you were more

I tried to welcome you in

But you slammed the damn door

And God it was painful

My heart it was bruised

My ego, my trust

You made me feel used

You made me feel wanted

And then said, “Actually, nevermind”

You said that I was the best

And then better you went to find

And then you didn’t find it

Oof, big surprise!

Not because I’m the best

But because, you’re rooting for your own demise

By telling yourself lie

“I don’t deserve you”-this and that

You become what you believe

That’s why in your waiting room I sat

I waited, I stayed

That was the best that I could be

And then I chose to deserve better

Because I wanted more for me

So I forgive you

But it’s over

You didn’t deserve me anyway, right?

Because if it wasn’t clear enough already

For myself, and our happiness I will always fight”


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Ambar G Ambar G


Why can’t I sleep?

Sleep is suppose to be an automatic thing

Yet, I struggle finding the switch to something that doesn’t even come with a switch

Tonight, the lonliness is amplified

It’s louder than the buzzing of the fridge and the cars below

It follows close behind

It moves in slow motion

Regardless, of how fast I run, it catches me

Surrounded by noise and people-yet so empty

There is this hole in me

That I know I’m never going to be able to fill

There isn’t anyone in the world who can

And it’s not a task for anyone to begin with

Not a task I can even complete

My screams echo back

Reminding me, there never was, is, nor will be

Solid ground here.

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Ambar G Ambar G


The restlessness in my head has been intolerable today

Since last night…

I hate when it’s like this

The buzzing

It’s too loud…

There are no words or clear feelings

No clues or direction in how to ease it’s force

I want to find the words

I want to find the images

The thing that will get it to shut up

Make it stop

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Ambar G Ambar G


Lately, the differences and levels of love have been of deep interest to me

At first, I was going to simply say that I miss you

Although, this isn’t a lie

It’s also not the whole truth

Do we love people like we love art?

Like a distant admirer?

Love it knowing we can never truly own it’s magic and forever live apart

I’m afraid, I must admit…

To give it air, to give it light

I’m conflicted

The forces are evenly balanced

I desire control and letting go

The other side of the coin wants to jump and fold

It seeks the depth of still waters

Regardless of danger

Knowing argues with feeling

I couldn’t explain it to anyone who couldn’t feel it

What it’s like to be seen

And not with their eyes…

To be touched by their words, more than other hands ever could

I don’t know when it happened

I couldn’t give you a specific date

It happened like any other flashback

But these moments, still images

They filled me

Love and grief are intertwined

We cannot compromise with grief

It’s directly proportional to the depth of our connections

That recognition terrifies me

I’ve been proven a fool

Safety and home in the energy of another can, After all… exist

The feeling is indescribable for me

I suppose it’s foreign

It’s cosmic

Both platonic and romantic

The longer I carry it,

The heavier it gets

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Ambar G Ambar G


For a moment, the shame came up

I’m in an interesting place

Neither there,… nor here

Sometimes something holds a mirror up

And it reminds me,… wow

I’m using logic and intellectualizing

I’m teaching and consulting

My humanness showed

I felt it grab my wrist to pause me

I was moved by my patient’s story, yes

But specifically, their essence

Their drive to be something more

Even if they can’t describe what it could look like

Just knowing that grieving a life you never had can’t be all life is

It just can’t…

The words come out of my mouth

They slowly built on the canvas

The pause was realizing the canvas was a mirror

I am moved by myself…

There is a slight sting of shame

Worrying about how others may perceive my stories

And use it to measure my competence

Yet, there is also a sense of pride

I’ve done the work so that I could be moved

I am wounded

My stories are sad and full of pain

It’s for me to carry the grief of where I’ve been

I’m proud I’m beginning to choose to carry it as it is

As I am

All parts intact.

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Ambar G Ambar G


The doors opened

Instantly I was overwhelmed by the height of the ceilings

I couldn’t process what I was looking at fast enough

The lights, the smells, warmth

I made my way up the imperial staircase

The walls were made of mirrors

I caught a glimpse of myself

I couldn’t look away

My dress, coat, and heels weren’t exorbitant

Others had brand name labels across their accessories

Bright and shiny jewelry

But I felt at peace with my reflection

My wild curls didn’t upset me

I felt beautiful…

I took in every moment

Each scene reminded me of why I’ve always felt so connected to this painter

She found color in her world

Maybe I can too

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Ambar G Ambar G


Te quiero viejo gruñón.

Espero que estés descansando. Sabiendo que fuiste y eres amado por parte de tu familia Mexicana.

Este trago es pa’ ti.

Sé que me amabas en silencio… aunque no eras tan astuto.

Sé que estabas orgulloso de mi y querías ver qué más logro en esta vida.

Sigue mirando,tengo más para mostrarte amigo mío.

Hasta que nos encontremos de nuevo…

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Ambar G Ambar G


This week I’ve noticed a change in the way my chest burns at the mention of his name

The burn is more of an ache

Perhaps I’ve become more acquainted with my grief

I could chose to stay angry about the betrayal and lack of honesty

I could decide I want retribution or revenge

None of this has appealed to me

And I believe it’s why there was nothing more to say…

I watch the faces of my loved ones twist with disgust

I observe how their speech becomes pressured and louder

Yet, I cannot find it in me

I picked this man

No one else but me

I made the conscious choice to gamble everything I had on him

I had unfortunate luck

And it was probably a poor choice to begin with

I’m attempting to learn all I can from it

It’s taught me the difference between having love for someone and being in love with someone

The fires that come from the state of being are far more consuming

It’s changed me, he’s changed me

But doesn’t everyone we meet?

The significance of the influence is still undetermined

I don’t think I’m ready and don’t know if I’ll ever be ready to gamble with so much of myself again

I haven’t decided if it’s all worth the risk to feel it all over again

Connecting with others has always been hard

There isn’t a line of potential suitors waiting so there’s no urgency

In the meantime, I’m working on the restoration of my forest

Giving it all that it needs to grow

Including patience… time

For now, I buy my own flowers to give the debris some color

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