Ambar G Ambar G



I’m in a restroom

I'm approaching the mirror

Before I can see my reflection, I’m yanked up

I’m being held up by a ghost

I can't scream

There’s no sound

I reach for the shower curtain

When I gab the rod- i’m dropped

I turn the door knob but it won't open

It's locked

I’m banging on the door

The fear becomes too much

…Brings me back to consciousness…

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Ambar G Ambar G


I wear socks to keep my feet warm

Asinine behavior for rooms likes these

As a rule, I generally resist wearing socks

Or pants for that matter

But keeping these pieces of fabric on my body is necessary

A silly attempt at grasping for any comfort

I focus on the subtle flicker of the lights above me

Until I become one with the ceiling

The world disappears as I go under water…

The crackling of the paper beneath me repulses me

Please hurry…

The poking and prodding stops

My body is too heavy to move

It’s unresponsive to my directives

I suddenly drop from the ceiling

Pealing off the residue of memories from every inch of myself

I wipe my face and brace myself for the exit

I don’t make it more than five steps

Disappointment and shame pour out of me

I’m compelled to disappear into her office chair

I know she wants to sell me on the next steps

Comfort me with the knowledge of it being necessary

That I’m doing the right thing

Despite my continuous discomfort

I’m not an idiot

I don’t object to the reasoning

Reasoning however, doesn’t bring me comfort or make me feel brave

There isn’t anything she could say to get this other part of me to buy in

The part of me that needs the socks…

She’s screaming…

It’s echoing in my skull…

And just to make Her stop, I’d leave all the fabric on…

But for now, I sell Her on the fantasy

One more- just one more time

And maybe then, we can be done…

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Ambar G Ambar G

7/1/2024 12am

Chest tight

Like someone bound it when I was a kid

Now there's no room for air

No space to grow into


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Ambar G Ambar G


“I’m not feminine enough… broken enough”

“People have had worse”

“How could I have the life I have now if it was all true?”

She’s bubbling underneath the surface

I place my hand on my stomach to keep Her still

More importantly, to acknowledge what I’ve spent so many years denying Her

I allow Her to be present, to just be

She’s the strength that allows me to suspend time and space

She’s the wisdom I need to read between the lines

She’s the bravery I lend to my clients

People habitually state that grief is something you let go of

That your suffering is due to your inability to release it

I’m not so sure I believe in this perspective

I don’t think you can let go of grief

I think the suffering lies with your degree of resistance to the presence of that pain

Blaming someone’s suffering to their inability to let it go seems unjust

I could be wrong, but this is the instinct that pulls me

It’s the loudest thought the moment they begin to speak

The second, someone begins to describe the branded memories tormenting their soul…

I don’t think you can fix grief

I don’t think you can cure it away

It's like telling someone who’s having an appropriate response that they’re wrong for having it

And they only suffer because they can’t let it go

Just as I begin engaging with the intrusive thought, “Am I even helpful?”

She pauses at the door, takes a breath, and then a moment to mouth, “Thank you…”

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Ambar G Ambar G


I’m not good with asking for help

In moments like these, I freeze

I go in circles-don’t know how to make a decision either way

Letting someone help me requires going against my nature

I’ve unpacked it and looked at it all kinds of ways

Doesn’t make these moments any easier

This time last year, was the same thing

I watched my friends show up

One by one, each picking up my literal baggage…

The entire process was uncomfortable

Took half the day but the hours felt like days…

It unsettled me in every way

I am deeply grateful for the privilege of calling them friends

I just can’t seem to stop resisting this way of relating

I worry I cannot not repay them for their sacrifice

It makes me uneasy to wonder if it’s pity

I can sort it out on my own

Find the resources I need even if it’s more of headache

Because I can, I feel that’s the right option

But over and over again they force themselves in

If I close one door, they open a window

I don’t know why they keep trying

I don’t get why they show up

I just know I’m stuck and deeply grateful for them…

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Ambar G Ambar G


I’ve been invisible all my life

Being visible never resulted in anything positive…

It’s been safer to blend in with my shadow

Catching someone’s attention was misery

Till this day, if someone looks at me for a millisecond too long

It feels like my skin in shrinking

Like all my insides are about to be evicted

If I could, I’d walk through life with my back up against walls

Walls hold me up straight

They keep me steady when my knees get weak

There’s comfort in being invisible

It’s safe, and familiar

However, it does come with it’s faults

Being invisible means being overlooked

It means being underestimated in more ways than one

It means having to fight harder to prove myself

And when others find it to be, “a big deal” …

For someone “like me”-I only want to retreat

Back into the safety of my shadow

I’ve lingered in the spaces of average

Teachers never saw me as the smart kid

Counselors had long given up on any potential

Bullies miscalculated the weight of my punches

I’ve never been the prettiest girl in a room

There was never anything really exceptional about me

I’ve benefitted from their errors in judgement

It allowed me to recklessly do as I pleased

No one would miss me if I ditched class

No one’s dusty son was trying to catch my attention at parties

No one expected anything more than what I was I doing-destroying myself…

There have been times I was fooled into thinking things could be different

A spark of hope would lead me to believe that someone could see me

Like actually see me

I’m ashamed to admit there’s a part of me that wonders

That’s curious about would it’d be like to be like to exist in that world

To be accepted and appreciated

To be loved in all my average-ness

To be anything, but invisible to just one person

And to them, I could be exceptional

I could be anything

I wouldn’t be underestimated or overlooked

The parts of me that’ve been deprived could be filled with just a look

It would be like winning the lottery

But then, I remember the odds

Being average doesn’t get you the winning ticket

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Ambar G Ambar G


I awake in the dark

Sweating and tense

I woke up just before the bungee cord stretched me too far into the concrete

I take the room into my lungs

I'm scanning for details

I reach across the bed...

But it hits me long before my hand finds only the pillow

He's not here

There's no one who loves me here

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Ambar G Ambar G


It’s like someone latched a 30 pound weight to my neck. I hate anniversaries. A year can seem like a long time because so much can happen in a year. But, it’s not long enough for some wounds. If I’m honest, I haven’t done much to heal this one.

He left right at the end of a chapter and in the build up for the next. There was so much going on and I guess I’ve been hoping this was only a year away from him. Some vacation that I’d come back from. I know I’m different because I don’t feel the same excitement when I see other dogs.

I’ve tried not to think of him. To push away all the memories in hope the pain follows behind. I moved his album of pictures from my phone into an external hard-drive that sits in my closet. Try as might, I still remember.

His paws smelt like Fritos and people always thought I was a little weird for inhaling his toe beans any chance I got. He had his own scent and I can’t find it anywhere. Most people like paws but I loved his nose. It was my favorite thing to look at. As a puppy he was small enough to fit in a pocket so since day one we showered together. Originally, it was more about killing two birds with one stone but it became our thing. He’d run in and out of the waterfall falling from my body. Playing and then sometimes sitting under it with his eyes closed. After his scrub and rinse, he’d sit on the bath mat waiting for me. He made showers fun for me again… at least with him. I miss how attached he was to me…and I to him…

Animals have their own personalities and his was pretty silly. It was a perfect match for me. He’d get bursts of energy and skip around the room until he got my attention. And when I got my hyper bursts- he’d jump right in. He’d zoom around me until I’d giggle and let out a big hyena laugh, then he’d be satisfied.

I loved the way he’d stare at me. He was small but he loved me big and not just when I had bacon or a toy in my hand. I know he did because his eyes looked the same even in the hard moments…

His entrance into my life was much like his exist, a surprise. We were inseparable from the start and so the match was made.

Nights are always hard for me. My body begins to tense up as the sky turns from hues of pinks, purples, and blues, to black. My breathing gets shallow and quick. He use to do this thing where he’d lay on my chest covering my neck like a scarf. He’d wiggle and snuggle into me. He made sure to remain steady for me. He’d just wait till I could focus on his breathing and until I could pet him or catch my breath. He guarded me all night…

Some times he’d cry with me… but he never let me go too deep. He’d patiently wait for me to come back and loved me all the same. No one’s ever sat with me through an entire panic attack. Least not before him. Not without getting scared or mad at me throughout it. They can last hours and there isn’t much anyone can do to help. I learned early on that no one comes to help you. You just have to hide and wait out the monsters. But he refused to ever be away from me in these moments. Even if I tried to protect him from me and push away everything. He’d wait out the monsters with me.

Today’s the one year anniversary of me waiting them out alone.

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Ambar G Ambar G


“Student or professional?”

I frequent this small art supply store by my place

It’s in between abandoned suites with bared up windows

You have to ring a bell to be let in

I love the way art supply stores smell

It’s kinda how I love the smells of home depot and book stores

You could leave me all day in any of these places

They turn down the volume…

My restless hands needed to exhaust some energy

I begin to walk up and down the isles

Admiring all the tools and options one can use to tell a story

So much of it, I’ve never used

The owner walks up to greet me

She smiles and asks, “student or professional?”

I shook my head confused, “neither”

She kept smiling and waiting for my answer

For me to pick one, so then I say, “Just student grade paint is fine”

The longer she smiles at me, the more I think she might be trying to upsell me

But I decide to humor her, “Ok, professional”

Before I could finish responding she’s leading the way to the back of the store behind a counter

The wall is covered with Golden, Liquitex, Winsor and Newton

The professional grade stuff

All brands have the student stuff and then there’s this stuff

I can’t help but get excited at how many shades she has

There’s like 20 different shades of grey

I never buy pricy stuff

The student stuff works just fine

But, I felt a little impulsive

I grab two tubes

She scans them and says, “Good, 20% discount for the professional”

I laugh and shake my head

Then she hands me the tubes, still smiling at me

“Good customer…. You’r always a calm shopper. Good eyes and hands….Professional.”

I thank her with a nod and accept I’m not winning this argument

She’s never seen my work and could be very well upselling me

But I couldn’t help but think of all the things I consider myself a student in

I push back on the idea of being a professional in anything

Now that art is back in my life

I don’t think I ever want to lose it again

I think I would like to do something more with it

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Ambar G Ambar G


It's odd my job is to keep secrets

When I really think about it, I've been keeping people's secrets all my life

Maybe that's why it comes easy to me

It's really easy when it has nothing to do with you

I never feel the need to speak about other people in that way

I think it's important for people to maintain that kind of power for themselves

The power of telling the stories of things that have happened to them

It's the only part you get to control...

I hear about all kinds of stories

Stories about losing power

Stories about how to manage that loss

And stories about taking it from others

I remember being told as a new boot that my first fight would cause me to freeze

That I'd be quickly humbled by the darkness I'd find in people

I was told to expect the unexpected because the violence would always find me

Now I seek the mess and destruction in others

I purposely go digging for it because it ironically holds the key to something different

I've yet to hear anything that shocks me or makes me freeze

I suppose I'm still waiting for the thing that'll ... scare me

I often wonder what that says about me...

The first fight was in the showers

It was wet and the steam made it harder to see

I don't remember thinking but somehow I coordinated a plan to put the fire out

We were short so I was alone

Back up that finally arrived over shot the pepper spray

Hitting me and a bystander with asthma

Pepper spray in a steaming shower room is not a room you'd want to be in

So, my back up left

I managed to get handcuffs on everyone

Then carry myself and the bystander, now consumed in an asthma attack, out of the room

The banter about my quick feet lasted weeks

They told me it was a good thing

But my stomach was upset every time I recalled the event

It was the topic of therapy for weeks

Why didn't I freeze?

How come I'm not upset?

What does that say about me?

I suppose there is still a part of me waiting to hear something that shocks me

I cannot seem to find a human experience that scares me...

I'm scared that the plague they've left in me is contagious

I'm terrified others can see it

That their evil,... is also, now my evil

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Ambar G Ambar G


“I’m fresh out of the shower

And my skin smells like lavender

But something inside me feels rotten

Something about me feels permanently dirty

Like the only solution would be to loosen the screws in my skull

And pour lavender soap into my brain

Let the hot water run over my memories

And wash them down the drain

If only it were that easy to forget you… and myself… and that day

But unfortunately,

Memory is the one stain that soap and water can’t erase”


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Ambar G Ambar G


“They say if one orange in the bowl is rotten you should throw it out

Because it wont take long before the rest of the fruit is spoiled

But tell me, what if I’m the rotten orange?

What if I’m ruining everything I touch and I don’t know how to stop?

What if the closer you get to me the more damage I do?

What if you tried to love me and I turn you rotten too?

What if decomposition is the only love I know?

what if i belong where the rotten oranges go?”


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Ambar G Ambar G


When I think about love I get two very conflicting feelings

Both equally as intense

I think of love in the ways I think about the ocean

A brief passing thought, is just above the surface

Distant enough to miss all of its flaws

But close enough to take in the joy of its beauty

If I think of it too long, I become terrified of it’s depths

I fear all the things that hide underneath the surface

I’ve always loved being in the water

As a little girl I imagined what my life could be like if I was just a plain old fish

How simple and free it could feel to have the whole ocean

I’ve always sought out water for it’s cleansing properties

Something about it always makes me feel a little less messy

A little less dirty…

I would swim out as far as my little legs could get me

Far enough to not hear the people by the shore

For a moment, it’d find silence

I could float and disappear

Pretend that I was a plain old fish

Then the intrusive thought would enter

“What’s beneath me?”

Curiosity would lead me to think of all the things I’ve read in books about marine life

Suddenly, I’d feel exposed, vulnerable, even under attack

I’d lose contact with its beauty and frantically swim back to the shore

But once I’d get there I’d feel the ocean calling back

The waves hitting my feet, pushing and pulling

Even with this fear, I desire to be consumed by it

If I could love the wrong person so deeply…

Imagine if I found the right one?

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Ambar G Ambar G


...You spend so much of your life in fight or flight. Anticipating the next knockout and doubting not only your capabilities but your worth. The voices consume all the hope and suck the air out of the room. I have a few wires crossed- it's the cost of my experiences... of my wounds. I've spent so much of my time in spaces being unwanted, discarded, used up, and spit out. Being the "thing" that gratifies your needs was the highest status I could attain...and at my worst, trash.

I still find myself frustrated with Her at times, but more often than not, I'm stuck wondering how anyone could've ever hated Her or ever wanted to cause Her any harm. How could someone look at Her innocence as something they were entitled to? Why would they desire to break Her? I don't ask those questions expecting I'll ever find the answer. I think it's a good sign I can't understand it... because I'm nothing like them. I know destruction, but I choose to cause no harm. And although I've been infected with evil, I choose to heal.

I'm fighting to find peace within myself. This delicate balance of fixing something I didn't break. The peace I do have today is worth everything I lost to get here. A good friend described the return of the shadow as a relapse, an addiction. I'm addicted to abusing myself. It's the only way I've learned to relate to myself and anything outside of it feels...unnatural. So much so, that I can't comprehend why others love me. Who could love trash? Why would you love it?

I'm like a cat with 9 lives. Always landing on my feet somehow. I don't keep track of the lives- not sure where the count currently rests, but it feels like multiple... The shadow always lingers in the background. Just waiting for the most opportune moments to remind me of the worst moments of my life. All my senses reenact the experiences like it's some fucked up version of my favorite 4DX movie.

The shadow inevitably comes back but today. Today, I'm louder than all the other noise. At the very least, today serves as a bridge. Buys me time, until the next relapse hits. Maybe it's the few crossed wires, but for that, I'm grateful.

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Ambar G Ambar G


“I’m really glad you exist”

The sand storm settled

My eyes sweep across the horizon

I take in it’s stillness….

But, something in me shifted in that moment

I turned to meet his gaze

Part of me was thinking he might of been referring to someone else… to something else

There’s a mark on my soul

Like the soft spot on a newborn’s head

Meant to be protected so that it heals…

I carry the mark of a missed step

I’ve been playing his words over and over in my head

Over and over the feelings moves through my veins

I am wanted

Wanted by him

I know he loves me. I know because I feel it

But more than that, he sees the scars and open wounds

Without even understanding he chooses to accept them graciously

He finds them loveable and he doesn’t miss a moment to let me know

He fidgets using my hands

He requests my compression hugs and rests his head in my lap

He demands to be around me…

I’d be missed by him if I didn’t in fact, exist

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Ambar G Ambar G


Maybe the point is all this is... proof 

Evidence to what I've been saying

That things don't come easy to me despite what others say

To prove that I worked hard for the things I've accomplished

This narrative that, “things come easy” to me

That I have to check my brain privilege

That I'm "just more mature"

Countless times I've had this conversation

Like this is something I stumbled upon

Giving the credit of all my work to chance

I was born shitting and crying like everyone else

Actually, I wasn't breathing

So maybe you could say I started this race a couple breaths behind

My life experiences taught me maturity

And sometimes I think, "I'd gladly trade the cost of this for ignorance"

I exposed myself to new things

I teach myself

I research, I read

I learn how to do things for myself and when I don't quite get it-I try again

I built this brain

And I don't say this in a cocky way

It's by no means is, “the best” out there

That's my point

I did all these things all the while also heavily killing my brain cells

Self-sabotaging and quitting

Hating myself and often contemplating a way out

I try not to ask unhelpful questions like, "Why?"

But rather, "What am I supposed to gain from this? What can I use from this?"

And I'm thinking, "Here it is..."

Here's the proof

That I wasn't born this way

And sometimes no matter how hard you train and prep

You will keep checking that 6ft wall

Until maybe one day.... you clear it

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Ambar G Ambar G


As I pull the cork out, I awknowledge how much I have compartmentalized in the recent months

I’ve been holding my breath….

Sometimes it works pretty well

I thought I’d pull through

I couldn’t recount all the times i’ve been a shell of a person and have managed to just get shit done

It's not about my abilities

There’s no choice…

I’ve learned to function this way

Not understanding who I was or where home was

I’m tired of being the wounded friend

The wounded relative or coworker

There has to be others like me

No matter how hard I run…

I somehow find myself at the starting line…

The noise is at max volume and I can awknowledge they were coming for me

I tried my best to fight them off

To be clear, my best may not be yours

I’m exhausted with trying to keep this image up

We all have mess

And maybe mine is less socially acceptable or hard to look at, i dont know… but it’s mine

It got me this far… no?

It took some time to digest

I saw it in her face

The look of pity…

I hate that look but I told myself I was wrong in that appraisal

When I opened the sheet of paper, I was disappointed at how accurate my reading was

I guess I just moved

I don’t know if there was a thought or feeling

I text him immediately because I couldnt call him

He was expecting the call…

And I wanted to call but with great news. My pride couldn’t face whatever reaction was waiting on the other end

The hopeful and supportive energy

The encouraging words of second chances

And I don’t mean to invalidate this support

I’ve been in those shoes too

What can you say?

I just mean it’s pebbles being thrown at the demon that lives in me

Does nothing…

No one’s louder than the demon

At first, I think there may be an objective way to see this

Maybe someone who understands this process can launch more of a boulder at what’s spreading…

Quickly I realize i’m alone with the demon

There is no one else

There never was or will be

This is my fight

And one I quiet honestly, couldn’t give two shits about right now

So I walk right in front of the demon

I lay on my back and beg for the ending…

I did the deep breathing

The tapping, rocking, and reframing

It doesn’t work

Not always…

And I suppose this makes me feel more like an imposter when I sit across people trying to enforce these skills

It could work for some but I know all to well-


You’re just fucked…

I get it, but how do you tell a client that?

Sometimes the only way to care for yourself is getting loaded

And yes, I don’t want to encourage this in someone else but in me, it just quiet honestly fucking works

My breathing slows down as I focus on sweet taste, the heat

The tears stop and I can feel the muscles in my face relax

Leaving behind the throbbing

I don’t intend to hurt others

I don’t intend to take you with me

I hear my father crying and I can’t help but feel disappointed in myself

Feeling your son look for the right reaction in this situation… even in this state I couldn’t make myself better for him…

I can’t look at them…

The thought gets louder

So does my desire

I’m exhausted

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Ambar G Ambar G


I run out the door

I’m done for the day but it feels like running away

I gasp for air as I make it down the stairs into my car

I notice my hands shaking…

The dryness of my cheeks

I’m not entirely sure of why I’m running…

When I get home everything falls to the ground

The burn in my stomach soothes my restlessness

I ran to disappear

The darkness returns

At max volume, I’m forgetting the reason I live…

The water is boiling

My skin instantly turns red on contact

I grind the coarse material over my body

The burning slows my breathing…

Like roots, it begins to reach out and consume every inch of my body

I wish I could say, “I can handle this”

But I don’t always know if I can survive it

Sometimes, like today I don’t want to

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Ambar G Ambar G


“Avoid it at all costs”

The discomfort in my body increases as I ignore this warning

There has always been this urge, this itch to break the rules

The thoughts and feelings came flooding in

I tried to drown them out

I’d say I’ve been successful

There is a large part of me that’d love to stay here

It’d be easier in it’s own way

Like death

I can’t remember if I was born with this feeling or learned it along the way

Feeling ready for death…

The instinct is clear, natural

I suppose the urge to break the rules applies here too, so I stay

She has come back into my life in a way I didn’t expect

Although I was the one who opened the door-

I find myself resisting the consequences

The memories…

I’m in this constant state of irritability

Full of anger, rage, and hate

Lately, it hasn’t ebbed and flowed

I remember what it’s like to want to set the whole world on fire

To want to see the destruction that lives in me elsewhere

Over time you learn to function despite the poison that invades your being

You learn to live with the ghosts that plague your mind

You get use to screaming and realizing everyone around you is deaf

Feeling like no matter how hard and how loud you scream, no one can hear you

Your suffering does not exist, YOU do not exist

I work to learn the sign language

Only to discover, ah- they’re blind too

I’m trapped in this box

Surrounded by people

And not one knows who I am

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Ambar G Ambar G



I’m in my own home- it’s inherited

Feels like I’ve had it before…

Other people’s things are here

Furniture…I focus on this vase with flowers

I touch the wood table top its on and it falls over

This vase is also electic and plugged into an outlet

I attempt to keep the electricity from ruining it by tilting it… holding it up

The water gets in the plug and I drop it

It begins to spark and fast

I scream hard for my dad

He comes and sees it

I ask how to stop an electrical fire

He tired with his hands but it’s melting…

He goes for water and I ask if that’s a good or bad idea

I scream even louder as it melts the table it was on

I want it to stop and I’m scared

It burns a hole through the ground

He says something like, “good luck with that now”

I collapse to the floor

I feel completely hopeless

I scream, “i can’t do this anymore!”

I wake up

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